Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Political Uncertainty in Europe, Japan-Philippines Consultation, European Parliament Election Analysis

Xinhua News Agency's international observation explores the rightward shift in Europe, increasing political uncertainty. The Japan-Philippines 2+2 consultation is set to take place on July 8. An analysis of the European Parliament elections reveals the resilience of the center-right. The European elections of 2024 bring a significant shift, with the right claiming victory. Stay informed about these political developments and their implications for global affairs and the future of European politics.


(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:00:44) Xinhua News Agency's International Observation: "Shifting the Spectrum to the Right" Increases Political Uncertainty in Europe_Global Flash_The Paper
(00:02:57) The Japan-Philippines 2+2 consultation will be held on July 8
(00:05:12) Interpreting the results of the European Parliament elections
(00:07:14) European elections 2024: the right claims victory

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